
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

first new bathing suit of the year!

i finally found a cute swim suit that was in my price range. i really like it.

ugh, i need to get my stomach toned again. :/

Monday, May 28, 2012

creek adventures

luke, jacob, and i went to line creek. i've been wanting to go for awhile now, and every time we plan to ends up raining. well, i got to go....and i ended up slipping and falling in the water. thank god my camera didn't go in. but my phone ended up getting wet and now it's acting funny. oh well, anything can break except my camera. he's my love child.

speaking of love, luke is unbelievably sweet. when i slipped, he ran over and helped pick me up. i thought it was so cute, even though i acted like i didn't need any help ;) and from that point forward, he held my hand so i wouldn't fall again. :3 this kid.... :)

Saturday, May 26, 2012

saturdays are for yard sales

two weeks ago, i decided to go yard saleing for the first time this summer. it was rather disappointing due to not finding anything except a 'blair witch project: behind the scenes" book. though, today was a success! these two vintage skirts were on a rack and right after i swooped them off, i heard a man say "i'll buy the whole rack." whew!

aaaand! i painted my toes a new purple that i just got. love it. 
p.s: oscar is doing much better. :D
      his beard was so messy, i had to get a picture, even though the picture doesn't do much justice.

Friday, May 25, 2012

dear luke,

i love the way you say you want a "whatever-you-ate-last" kiss.
i love how you just had to have the stuffed raccoon and kitty.
i love how ticklish your sides are.
i love the way you look at me like i'm the most beautiful girl in the world.
i love that you want to have children with me one day.
i love the fact that you want my name tattooed on you (even though i don't want you to do it) ;]
i love the way you smell when you get out of the shower.
i love seeing you interact with my dogs.
i love laying in bed with you, thinking how this will still be us ten years down the road.
i love that you don't want me to change one thing about myself.
i love our little arguments we have.
i love your love for cats.

i love you, luke michael kable. 

i really want teal hair.

oscar is on his way to (hopefully) being cured! my dad and i took him to the opthamologist and turns out both of his retinas are detaching, but not fully detached that's a good sign. they're not exactly sure why though yet, therefore, they ran some tests...and hopefully those come back with results. this is possibly great news. i thank everyone for keeping me in their thoughts and i thank my grandmother and grandfather as well. i know they're listening to me in heaven.

enough of that, i really want teal hair. something about it is just so beautiful and vibrant. grr, but i'm terrified of damaging my hair again. i'll most likely just end up putting lemon juice in my hair and laying in the sun. :)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

a night of photo scanning

I just spend about two hours going through a box of old photos. oh, how i wish i lived in the 70's.

looking at these photos is making me tear up though, so i'm going to leave these with you.


oscar's eye specialist appointment is at one:oclock tomorrow. i'm going to go with my dad to sit up there with him, just so oscar might be a little more comfortable. terrified can't even explain the feelings going through my head. pray that he is okay.

anyways, while i was making my daily photo run of my doggies, poor lil oscar wasn't feeling good at all so he didn't contribute :(

Tasteful Thursdays

daisy might just be the cutest kitten i've ever seen. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

is this not the cutest dress? i need it!
and these shoes....mod cloth, you have the best clothes...but are so expensive :/


  • i successfully put on liquid eyeliner without getting it all in my eye.
  • my mom made me try on these "rice packs" that you can make to see how big your breast implants need to be. i lol'd so hard. 
  • when i woke up from my nap, it wasn't smeared whatsoever and still on my eyes!
also, i was napping with oscar and he woke up, and wanted out of bed so i put him down, went to open my door to let him out and he walked behind the door instead. he kept doing it and i was wondering what the heck he was i finally put him out, went back to sleep. 7:30, i wake up, go into the living room, and my mom says " i think oscar went blind". he was walking around aimlessly, running into furniture. it's so pitiful, and breaks my heart. we're going to take him to an eye specialist in the morning, so i hope everything else is okay. 

i know he barks constantly, and is a grouch, but i love him so much and he's so sweet to our immediate family. 
please pray for my little guy. <3 

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

today was so nice! luke came over and despite, his SLOW GROCERY SHOPPING earlier, it was nice. i love having him around my house, and seeing him interact with the people/animals i love the most.

embroidery is fun. :)

oh, and i'm going to learn how to write in cursive again, seeing as i totally forgot how :/

Monday, May 21, 2012

today, i spent time with my lovely boy. words can't even describe how happy he makes me. none the less, i'm wore out and want to go to sleep...but that's not a good idea.

i'm going to start reading choke by Chuck Palahniuk. 
the whole menstrual cycle confuses me. it's like "yay! you didn't get pregnant, but i will give you horrible cramps for a few days". or "yay! you're pregnant. let me make you feel like shit throughout your first (and maybe more) trimester. 

after this cycle is over, i'm getting back on my birth control pills so i can skip these mother fuckers. 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

guess who found her embroidery floss?! this girl. :D and i also found the perfect use for a cute chinese plate i found at the thrift store....a ring, and earring holder!

yesterday, while waiting on picking up my boyfriend, i ventured into my favorite store: petco! luke had told me about this kitten that he had fallen in love with. i went straight to the kitties, took a glance at them, and fell in love myself. SO precious. i wish i could keep her in my room until he got his own place, he's so in love with her. :/ ANYWAYS, i ventured over to the beta fish. after walter and gus had passed, i didn't really feel like i was fit to have another one yet but i found the CUTEST king beta. i had to have him. :P his name is hank. { so far, i've named all of my fish after characters in breaking bad} he's so cute! and looks like a tiger

it's nap time. hasta la vista!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

today is a lovely day. i found two cute dresses while thrifting, and my boyfriend is coming over to stay with me later. :)

oh, and i took pictures. i'm trying to get in the habit of taking at least ONE picture every day. so far, it's working quite well.

^^ look at that reflection! i'm in love. 

welp! off to clean my room/ house and continue reading beautiful boy (which is great so far!) 

as always, i never have actual people to take photos of so i resort to taking them of myself. :P it's really had to take self-portraits using a 50mm, even with a tripod & remote. i suppose i'll figure it out one day. :]

Friday, May 18, 2012

i would really love to have a yellow canary someday. such a beautiful magnificent bird

look at this handsome boy of mine! i don't think i will ever be able to hold in my love for him :3 proud mama!

i have officially finished the hunger game series. mockingjay was so incredible. i think it might be my favorite, and cannot wait until the movie comes out.

now, onto read beautiful boy, by david sheff.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Internet Finds of the Day!

how freaking adorable is this cow!? i just want to kiss its sweet little face.

butterflies are one of my favorites. i'd love to have this print

...a bacon guacamole grilled cheese, you say!? i'm drooling.

a luna moth hair brooch, absolutely gorgeous
oh! my gosh, i completely forgot to mention that i'm in the process of planning a mini-vacation to savannah, georgia with luke!

i found the CUTEST motel! i just might be more excited to stay in this motel rather than anything else. ;)
it's called the thunderbird inn. look at those lovely colors!

i can't wait to walk through the historic downtown area and see all of the gorgeous houses, visit the famous forsyth park, and adventure down river street! tybee island is also a need-to-see on the list.

needless, to say....i'm stoked!
I'm in the process of hurting my relationship because i now realize that i can really trust no one, even the ones i thought would be there for me no matter what. the fact that i'm "not cool" enough hurts tremendously.

so, my thought process is "if they don't give a shit about me, why would he?". it's really hurting luke and i  hate myself for putting him through the pain of feeling like i don't want to be with him. it's just hard to let someone in.

but, i'm glad he brought it up so now i can change my ways. i love him so much and i would never put him through any pain where as he would never put ME through any pain.

currently reading: mockingjay
currently needing to: find a job!
currently feeling: tired, and not well


I've finally gotten around to making a real blog. Tumblr isn't just doing the trick. I want to be able to document my life and i'll be able to do so with a actual blog.

since, i don't really have anything to say at the moment D: i'll just start off with five facts about myself.

  1. i'm a homebody. i don't like to go out and party, i'd much rather stay home on my computer or read a book.
  2. when i move out and own my own home, no one is going to want to come over due to the countless amount of pets i'm going to have. ;)
  3. after finding a new-found love for thrifting, i'm beginning to think i have a problem! all i want to do is shop shop shop!
  4. sleeping is one of my favorite things and i secretly believe i was a sloth in my past life.
  5. i love love love flowers. hibiscus' are my favorite, and i actually have one tattooed on my foot!