
Monday, August 27, 2012


yesterday, duke brought home a baby bunny. poor little thing was all slobbery and SO cute!! nothing beats holding and getting to interact with wildlife. i put him back in the woods where duke came out with him, and he eventually left. i hope he found his mommy. 

i look really weird. just ignore my face/hair. D: 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Giveaway Winner from FILLITWITHDIAMONDS!

after coming home from a great night's sleep at my boyfriend's house, i checked the mail...and wah lah! a package from whitney {fillitwithdiamonds} ! about a month ago, i had won a giveaway and got my choice of anything from her etsy shop. of course, i picked the geode pouch. :) 

anyways, she wrapped the package up so cutely! with lots of washi tape, a cute note and even extra things including a cat brooch & a bowtie. 

Thanks Whitney! 

oh, and here's a photograph of a mushroom. :P

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

august twenty-first

I made a huge decision today for once in my life. Due to me not knowing what the hell I want to do with my life, I decided i'm going to drop all of my classes except for one. That one class is transferable and i'll need it with pretty much whatever I decide to do. Yes, I'm already behind in my college career and this will put me back even further, but i can't justify wasting any more money when i have no idea what i'm doing. being already 5000+ in debt, i can't do it anymore. once i'm 100% sure what i want to do, i'll go back to school full-time.

as of right now, i plan on getting this job at a vet's office. i need to start doing what i love, and since pre-school, that's what i wanted to do: work in a vet's office. i hope to move up the hierarchy and eventually be able to become a vet's assistant. who knows if that's what i'll end up doing for the rest of my life, but at this point, i need to make myself happy and that's how it's going to go.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

le cat eye

yesterday, was the DAY that i finally learned how to do a winged eyeliner. for several weeks, i've been longing to be able to do a perfect cat-eye. over this course of time, i've spent countless nights watching you-tube videos, reading instructions, & looking at plain ole pictures. i thought that maybe if i squeeze all this information on how to do it into my mind, that i might have a better clue as to what i'm actually doing {if you didn't already know, i'm lousy at ANYTHING beauty related} anyways, i decided to do it last night and i succeeded! it's not even near perfect but i'm proud of myself for actually making it look decent and not giving up, which is what i usually do. :/ 

none the less, i did it without giving up
which is a giant step in my self- doubt

my eye doesn't really look this cool. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

tasteful thursdays:

girl and parrot's water colors are outstanding, but this is simply amazing. i would LOVE to get my portait & duke's done by her.

how delicious do these fruit popsicles look? i have still yet to make them, so i need to get on that! one of my favorite blogs, the perfect pear, has an easy recipe to go by. check her out!

wow, is all i can say for this. while searching on tumblr for tattoos, i stumbled upon this tattoo and have absolutely fallen in love. unfortunately, there was no credit. :/

this is the absolute truth. nuff said.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Here's to a new year

why is there so much thrill in buying new pens? 

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Slothy Saturday

my future child will have this onesie. 

the smile on this sloth's face is contagious. 

There is a this terrarium. AH! :3

Birthday, anyone? :)