
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

august twenty-first

I made a huge decision today for once in my life. Due to me not knowing what the hell I want to do with my life, I decided i'm going to drop all of my classes except for one. That one class is transferable and i'll need it with pretty much whatever I decide to do. Yes, I'm already behind in my college career and this will put me back even further, but i can't justify wasting any more money when i have no idea what i'm doing. being already 5000+ in debt, i can't do it anymore. once i'm 100% sure what i want to do, i'll go back to school full-time.

as of right now, i plan on getting this job at a vet's office. i need to start doing what i love, and since pre-school, that's what i wanted to do: work in a vet's office. i hope to move up the hierarchy and eventually be able to become a vet's assistant. who knows if that's what i'll end up doing for the rest of my life, but at this point, i need to make myself happy and that's how it's going to go.

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