
Saturday, August 18, 2012

le cat eye

yesterday, was the DAY that i finally learned how to do a winged eyeliner. for several weeks, i've been longing to be able to do a perfect cat-eye. over this course of time, i've spent countless nights watching you-tube videos, reading instructions, & looking at plain ole pictures. i thought that maybe if i squeeze all this information on how to do it into my mind, that i might have a better clue as to what i'm actually doing {if you didn't already know, i'm lousy at ANYTHING beauty related} anyways, i decided to do it last night and i succeeded! it's not even near perfect but i'm proud of myself for actually making it look decent and not giving up, which is what i usually do. :/ 

none the less, i did it without giving up
which is a giant step in my self- doubt

my eye doesn't really look this cool. 


  1. such a sunny and summery dress!
    we're hosting a giveaway on our blog this week - join if you're interested ;-)

  2. These are lovely photos of yourself. I wish I could replicate the same effect for myself. I'm terrible at it. Ugh. Hahaha. I've also never managed to pull of a cat eye (granted, I've also never tried). Having fancy eyeliner is not one of my fortes, I will admit. I did see that you dropped all of your college classes but one. Honestly, it might be a good idea, especially if you're not sure you know what you want to do yet. I actually did community college for two years straight out of high school, and it was a good decision for me. I discovered what I wanted to do, and I saved a LOT of money. Trust me; you'll not want that debt later in life.
